Raid Boss - Level 75 ID: 4896

Raid Boss - Level 75
Raid Boss - Level 75 Lv.1
This powerful Death Lord rose up from Purgatoryat the behest of Death Lord Hallate. Unlike Hallate, who exhausted most of his power breaking the seal of the Tower of Insolence, Shax has preserved most of his. Unlike Death Lord Ipos, he does not have a relationship with humans and prefers to act alone. He enjoys slaughter and chaos, and currently resides on the Killing Ground. There he personally spreads the spirit of Purgatory and death.
Skill type: Passive
Magic level: 1
Effect: []
Raid Boss - Level 75
This powerful Death Lord rose up from Purgatoryat the behest of Death Lord Hallate. Unlike Hallate, who exhausted most of his power breaking the seal of the Tower of Insolence, Shax has preserved most of his. Unlike Death Lord Ipos, he does not have a relationship with humans and prefers to act alone. He enjoys slaughter and chaos, and currently resides on the Killing Ground. There he personally spreads the spirit of Purgatory and death.