Raid Boss - Level 54 ID: 4850

Raid Boss - Level 54
Raid Boss - Level 54 Lv.1
A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.
Skill type: Passive
Magic level: 1
Effect: []
Raid Boss - Level 54
A unicorn aimlessly drifting after losing its home long ago. It has wandered since the Era of Myths ended with Einhasad's rage against the Titans. The leader of the unicorns lost its herd while roaming the world. Although it is still desperately looking for its fellow unicorns, hundreds of years have passed since it parted ways from them. Wandering alone, it still has not adapted itself to the human world.