Banish Seraph ID: 450

Banish Seraph
Banish Seraph Lv.1
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 5 Soul Ore.
Skill type: Active
Operate conditions: [ [ "target_race", "race_angel" ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none", "@ride_wind", "@ride_star", "@ride_twilight" ]
Item consume: [ "[soul_ore]", "5" ]
MP consume: 50
Target type: enemy_only
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Physical
Cast range: 150
Effective range: 300
Reuse delay: 20 sec
Hit time: 4 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 55
Attribute: attr_death
Effect: [ [ "i_run_away", "30", "20" ], [ "i_death2", "0", "50" ] ]
Effect point: -162
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 5 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 6 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 7 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 7 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 8 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 8 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 9 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 9 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 10 Soul Ore.
Banish Seraph
Strikes fear into an angel, causing it to flee. Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 10 Soul Ore.