Surrender To Light ID: 4467

Surrender To Light
Surrender To Light Lv.1
Instantly decreases resistance to sacred attacks and increases resistance to dark attacks. Effect 2.
Skill type: Active with effects for affected
Ride state: [ "@ride_none" ]
MP consume: 20
Target type: enemy_only
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Magic
Cast range: 600
Effective range: 900
Reuse delay: 6 sec
Hit time: 1.8 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 95
Level bonus rate: 2
Activate rate: 80
Is debuff: Yes
Basic property: men
Effect: [ [ "p_defence_attribute", "attr_holy", "20" ], [ "p_defence_attribute", "attr_unholy", "-15" ] ]
Effect point: -100
Abnormal type: stun
Abnormal level: 2
Abnormal time: 120 sec
Surrender To Light
Instantly decreases resistance to sacred attacks and increases resistance to dark attacks. Effect 2.
Surrender To Light
Instantly decreases resistance to sacred attacks and increases resistance to dark attacks. Effect 3.
Surrender To Light
Instantly decreases resistance to sacred attacks and increases resistance to dark attacks. Effect 4.