Raid Curse ID: 4215

Raid Curse
Raid Curse Lv.1
You have been cursed by a Guardian Spirit. No magic or physical skills can be used at this time. This curse befalls those who attempt to challenge a raid boss who is 9 or more levels below their own. Although irreversible, this state is temporary.
Skill type: Active with effects for affected
Ride state: [ "@ride_none" ]
Target type: enemy_only
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Physical
Cast range: 1500
Effective range: 2000
Magic level: -1
Is debuff: Yes
Effect: [ [ "p_block_spell" ], [ "p_block_skill_physical" ] ]
Abnormal type: silence_all
Abnormal level: 99
Abnormal visual effect: ave_silence
Abnormal time: 3600 sec
Raid Curse
You have been cursed by a Guardian Spirit. No magic or physical skills can be used at this time. This curse befalls those who attempt to challenge a raid boss who is 9 or more levels below their own. Although irreversible, this state is temporary.