Banish Undead ID: 405

Banish Undead
Banish Undead Lv.1
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 5 Soul Ore.
Skill type: Active
Operate conditions: [ [ "target_race", "race_undead" ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none", "@ride_wind", "@ride_star", "@ride_twilight" ]
Item consume: [ "[soul_ore]", "5" ]
MP consume: 50
Target type: enemy_only
Affect scope: single
Affect object: undead_real_enemy
Cast type: Physical
Cast range: 150
Effective range: 300
Reuse delay: 20 sec
Hit time: 2 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 55
Attribute: attr_death
Effect: [ [ "i_run_away", "30", "20" ], [ "i_death2", "0", "50" ] ]
Effect point: -162
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 5 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 6 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 7 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 7 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 8 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 8 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 9 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 9 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 10 Soul Ore.
Banish Undead
The undead cower and flee as you reveal your divine nature. A Lethal Strike is possible. Consumes 10 Soul Ore.