Tribunal ID: 400

Tribunal Lv.1
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword/blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 642. Effect 1.
Skill type: Active with effects for affected
Operate conditions: [ [ "equip_weapon", [ "sword", "blunt" ] ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none" ]
MP consume: 55
Target type: enemy_only
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Physical
Cast range: 40
Effective range: 90
Reuse delay: 11 sec
Hit time: 1.3 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Cool time: 0.2 sec
Magic level: 55
Level bonus rate: 2
Activate rate: 30
Is debuff: Yes
Basic property: men
Attribute: attr_holy
Effect: [ [ "p_critical_rate", "-30", "per" ], [ "i_p_attack_over_hit", "642", "0" ] ]
Effect point: -655
Abnormal type: hit_down
Abnormal level: 1
Abnormal time: 30 sec
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword/blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 642. Effect 1.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 732. Effect 1.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 796. Effect 1.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 861. Effect 1.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 929. Effect 1.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 998. Effect 2.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 1068. Effect 2.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 1139. Effect 2.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 1209. Effect 2.
Uses your collected sacred energy to provoke an enemy to attack while temporarily decreasing their critical attack rate. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible. Power 1279. Effect 3.