Focus Attack ID: 317

Focus Attack
Focus Attack Lv.1
When attacking a single enemy, temporarily increases Accuracy and critical attack power. An equipped spear is required to use this skill. Effect 1.
Skill type: Active with effects for affected
Operate conditions: [ [ "equip_weapon", [ "pole" ] ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none" ]
MP consume: 18
Target type: self
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Physical
Reuse delay: 270 sec
Hit time: 2 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 40
Effect: [ [ "p_physical_polarm_target_single" ], [ "p_hit", [ "pole" ], "4", "diff" ], [ "p_critical_damage", "10", "per" ] ]
Effect point: 303
Abnormal type: focus_attack
Abnormal level: 1
Abnormal time: 120 sec
Focus Attack
When attacking a single enemy, temporarily increases Accuracy and critical attack power. An equipped spear is required to use this skill. Effect 1.
Focus Attack
When attacking a single enemy, temporarily increases Accuracy and critical attack power. An equipped spear is required to use this skill. Effect 2.
Focus Attack
When attacking a single enemy, temporarily increases Accuracy and critical attack power. An equipped spear is required to use this skill. Effect 3.
Focus Attack
When attacking a single enemy, temporarily increases Accuracy and critical attack power. An equipped spear is required to use this skill. Effect 4.
Focus Attack
When attacking a single enemy, temporarily increases Accuracy and critical attack power. An equipped spear is required to use this skill. Effect 5.