Item Skill: Resurrection ID: 3160

Item Skill: Resurrection
Item Skill: Resurrection Lv.1
Active: Resurrects a corpse.
Skill type: Active
Operate conditions: [ [ "op_resurrection" ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none", "@ride_wind", "@ride_star", "@ride_twilight" ]
Initial MP consume: 11
MP consume: 42
Target type: pc_body
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Neutral
Cast range: 400
Effective range: 900
Reuse delay: 180 sec
Hit time: 1 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 20
Effect: [ [ "i_resurrection", "0" ] ]
Effect point: 121
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 20% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 30% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 40% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 50% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 55% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 60% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 65% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Resurrection
Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 70% of additional Exp.