Hurricane Assault ID: 284

Hurricane Assault
Hurricane Assault Lv.1
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 501.
Skill type: Active
Operate conditions: [ [ "equip_weapon", [ "dualfist" ] ], [ "energy_saved", "2" ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none" ]
MP consume: 49
Target type: enemy
Affect scope: single
Cast type: Physical
Cast range: 40
Effective range: 400
Reuse delay: 17 sec
Hit time: 1.36 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Cool time: 0.44 sec
Next action: attack
Magic level: 34
Effect: [ [ "i_energy_attack", "501", "2000" ] ]
Effect point: -286
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 501.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 535.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 570.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 607.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 646.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 729.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 773.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 820.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 868.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 918.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 971.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1025.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1081.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1140.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1200.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1262.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1327.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1393.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1461.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1531.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1603.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1677.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1753.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1830.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1908.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 1988.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2070.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2153.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2237.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2322.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2408.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2494.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2581.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2669.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2757.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2846.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 2934.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 3022.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 3109.
Hurricane Assault
A flurry of combat strikes. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. Ignores Shield Defense. A critical hit is possible. Power 3196.