Flames of Invincibility ID: 1427

Flames of Invincibility
Flames of Invincibility Lv.1
Imbues nearby clan and alliance members with the power of fire, rendering them momentarily invincible. Level 2 or higher Spell Force required. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.
Skill type: Active with effects for affected
Operate conditions: [ [ "op_spell_force_count", "2" ] ]
Ride state: [ "@ride_none", "@ride_wind", "@ride_star", "@ride_twilight" ]
Item consume: [ "[magic_symbol1]", "1" ]
Initial MP consume: 15
MP consume: 58
Target type: self
Affect scope: pledge
Affect object: friend
Affect range: 450
Cast type: Neutral
Reuse delay: 4800 sec
Hit time: 5 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 78
Effect: [ [ "p_block_getdamage", "block_hp" ], [ "p_block_getdamage", "block_mp" ], [ "p_block_buff" ], [ "p_block_debuff" ] ]
Effect point: 597
Abnormal type: invincibility
Abnormal level: 1
Abnormal visual effect: ave_imprisioning
Abnormal time: 30 sec
Flames of Invincibility
Imbues nearby clan and alliance members with the power of fire, rendering them momentarily invincible. Level 2 or higher Spell Force required. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.