Expand Trade ID: 1370

Expand Trade
Expand Trade Lv.1
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Skill type: Passive
Magic level: 40
Effect: [ [ "p_enlarge_storage", "trade_sell", "1" ], [ "p_enlarge_storage", "trade_buy", "1" ] ]
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.
Expand Trade
Increases the number of items that can be bought and sold at private stores.