Mass Slow ID: 1298

Mass Slow
Mass Slow Lv.1
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Skill type: Active with effects for affected
Ride state: [ "@ride_none", "@ride_wind", "@ride_star", "@ride_twilight" ]
HP consume: 505
Target type: enemy_only
Affect scope: range
Affect object: not_friend
Affect limit: [ "10", "10" ]
Affect range: 200
Cast type: Magic
Cast range: 500
Effective range: 900
Reuse delay: 20 sec
Hit time: 4 sec
Hit cancel time: 0.5 sec
Magic level: 61
Level bonus rate: 1
Activate rate: 40
Is debuff: Yes
Basic property: men
Attribute: attr_earth
Effect: [ [ "p_speed", [ "all" ], "-45", "per" ], [ "p_defence_attribute", "attr_earth", "-100" ] ]
Effect point: -574
Abnormal type: speed_down
Abnormal level: 3
Abnormal time: 30 sec
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.
Mass Slow
Instantly reduces the Speed of distant enemies. Effect 3.