Blade Stakato Warrior ID: 20796

Type: warrior
Bucket 1
Chance: 70%
Item Count Chance
560—1136 100%
Bucket 2
Chance: 0.0163%
Item Count Chance
Salamander Skin Mail
One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.
1 100%
Bucket 3
Chance: 26.2336%
Item Count Chance
Scroll of Resurrection
A scroll of enchantment that resuscitates a dead person.
1 3.28624%
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 63.5319%
Silver Nugget
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 14.1182%
Compound Braid
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 1.87774%
Salamander Skin Mail Texture
A key material that Dwarves use to make Salamander Skin Mail. Can be sold in any shop.
1 4.25104%
Recipe: Chain Shield
For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Chain Shield. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 4. The success rate is 100%.
1 0.47077%
Recipe: Spiritshot C
For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Spiritshot Grade C. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 4. The success rate is 100%.
1 0.08882%
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot C
For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Blessed Spiritshot: Grade C. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 4. The success rate is 100%.
1 0.08882%
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Str-1>
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Str-1>. Collect and take 10 units of this type of magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities tatooed onto your body. Can be used by all classes after completion of their second class transfer, and can be kept and used after the completion of the third class transfer as well.
1 0.10635%
Metallic Thread
Material used by a Dwarf to make an item. It can be sold at a regular store.
1 1.87774%
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 4
Opens a level 40~49 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
1 10.3024%